ICT Security Audits

Wanwise consultancy can be employed to provide a documented audit of a company’s internal ICT infrastructure devices and security, using a number of methods,  tools and interviews to determine if well-known information security vulnerabilities exist.  Once the audit is complete, we can work together to roadmap transformational security changes and potential new security tools (e.g. tightening data permission levels, password control, controlling confidential data, secure data transfer methods (both email and dropbox-like file sharing)).

The scope of the consultancy can include checking:

  • Network Discovery
  • Network Vulnerability SCans
  • Network & Server Security Audit
  • A review of Firewall Rules (if they exist)
  • Wireless Security Testing
  • Security Awareness Training

Depending upon the number of sites and size of the company internal network, this consultancy can take between 1-5 days, with a report created separately afterwards.